The UUA offers a series of pamphlets that provide a condensed summary of common UU perspectives on various faith issues. These summaries are intended to provide a quick reference for newcomers as they begin their own exploration of what it is to be in fellowship with UU's. They can also serve as a starting point for a discussion between members within the UU community, to broaden and possibly deepen our understanding of the many ways UU's think about issues of spiritual practice and faith.

This blog has been created to support a monthly discussion group based around these pamphlets. Each month one topic will be selected to discuss. A link will be provided on this site to the contents of the pamphlet, which is made publicly available on the UUA Bookstore site, so it is not necessary to purchase anything to be able to read the information contained in the pamphlet. I have printed copies, so see me if you want one to read the old fashioned way - on paper!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Humanism In January

Thank you all for visiting this new site.  I hope we can generate some interest for the several topics here.

I have not heard from any of my "regulars" about getting printed copies of the brochures.  If you are interested, I have them and would be glad to supply them.  Leave a comment below, or send me an email directly.

For the first meeting in January there seems to be some interest in looking into the Humanist topic.  So, let's set that as our intent.  I will seek someone to attend and serve as a our connection to the Humanist Movement, or at least to play the role. I am looking for volunteers if anyone feels the calling.

In my next email I will provide additional connections and information on this topic. The Humanist Manifesto is always a good place to start, either the original one, or the second issued in the 1960's.  And there is the Humanist Society, or whatever.  I will look these up and report back.  Start with the UU Pamphlet, and that will be enough to participate in the discussion.  These other points of contact will be background info.


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