The UUA offers a series of pamphlets that provide a condensed summary of common UU perspectives on various faith issues. These summaries are intended to provide a quick reference for newcomers as they begin their own exploration of what it is to be in fellowship with UU's. They can also serve as a starting point for a discussion between members within the UU community, to broaden and possibly deepen our understanding of the many ways UU's think about issues of spiritual practice and faith.

This blog has been created to support a monthly discussion group based around these pamphlets. Each month one topic will be selected to discuss. A link will be provided on this site to the contents of the pamphlet, which is made publicly available on the UUA Bookstore site, so it is not necessary to purchase anything to be able to read the information contained in the pamphlet. I have printed copies, so see me if you want one to read the old fashioned way - on paper!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

A Preview of Topics

The titles of the pamphlets we will be using in our discussions are, in no particular order:

Each of these titles is linked to the text, so click on them to read the contents.

It would be best if we can get a member of the fellowship who professes to be an adherent of each of these faith traditions to be present as a resource when we discuss each one, if not acting as the discussion leader.  In the past we have had active and occasionally vocal groups who are Pagan, or Buddhist, or Humanist, or Theist, or Christian.  Let's draw on these people's insight and experience in our discussions here.

All the participants should read the information in the pamphlet so everyone starts with at least the same basic level of understanding of the topic.  Additional information is welcome, of course, but should be made somewhat available to everyone attending.  If you bring reference material please be prepared to summarize it, or to keep your comments about it brief.  We don't want the conversation to be side-tracked.  Most people will have come to talk about what is in the pamphlet.

These topics are each deserving of a full semester's course in any college environment.  Our intent here is to offer an introductory discussion to each topic, and possibly to help answer questions about them, and to expand a person's understanding about them.  Additional reading is always available, both through resources available at the EUUF Library or the public library, and/or through the UUA Bookstore.  The only limit to the amount of information you can pursue on any of these topics is your own time to pursue it!
